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It’s the next revolution in gaining employment in primary and secondary teaching. You’ll have access to a host of schools in your local and extended area who are actively looking for qualified teaching professionals just like you.

Reliefteaching.com.au is perfect for you if you are:

  • A past teacher who wishes to re-enter the workforce
  • A currently employed teacher who is looking to scale back and no longer wishes to work on a permanent or full-time basis
  • A Graduate who has just completed their Teacher Qualification Training and is looking for relief work while waiting for a permanent position
  • A teacher who is currently unemployed, looking for any kind of teaching role
  • An interstate teacher, looking for teaching work in a different state
  • An overseas teacher, seeking employment in Australia
  • An education assistant, teacher aide or working in administrative duties.
  • Looking for casual relief, part time or permanent teaching positions, as job advertisements are posted regularly on the site.

In addition to being a platform for finding and providing relief teaching work, Reliefteaching.com.au is a thriving community of teachers and schools helping to contribute to the education community throughout Australia, facilitating fun and effortless networking opportunities. It is fully capable of being used as a primary source of employment for relief teachers in Australia.